*drum roll*
I am MOVING!! Packing up my bags and moving right down the street, to the orphanage that I have been visiting about once a week since I've been here. Every day since I've been in this country, I prayed that God would give me an opportunity to spend more time with orphans and do what I was born to do - mentor forgotten children in the world. Then, much to my surprise, the opportunity fell in my lap a LOT sooner than expected. It's so incredible, and I can't wait to have a closer view of God's work in the lives of these precious children. I'm even more honored for the chance to be a part of it!
I look back on my childhood, and there a few, distinct adults who loved me and invested in me during my journey. And they shaped me, and I would be a drastically different person without them, if I were even alive at all. God has called me to play that role in the lives of children that I'm around, and I have been beautifully blessed in that role.
Does it have to be Haiti? No. Wherever I live, for the rest of my life, I will do my best to love God, love people, and invest in children. Nothing can ever, ever stop me. But I love Haiti, and I want to be here. I will fight for my place here.
Then the reality sets in.
Some missionaries spend 2 years fundraising before they leave for the field. I, being the naive 21 year old that I am, basically came to Haiti straight from college. And though I had some money from donations to begin with, start-up costs were more than I expected: paying for the house up front, buying a bed, etc. And the truth is that, when January rolls around, I will be dipping into my savings. Being a recent college grad, I don't really have enough to last me very long here!
Living in Haiti is relatively cheap. About $600 a month. But I don't have it. I have $50 coming in each month - from two beautiful souls. But the cold, hard truth is that if a few more lovely people don't step up - I will be returning to the states and searching for a couch to crash on as early as March.
So am I begging you to do something about it? No. In fact, I would have stopped asking for money a long time ago if it was for myself. But it's God's money, needed for God's purposes. It's up to you, only you, if you want to be a part of the work that God is doing in Haiti. I earnestly hope that you do want to join me in this way, but I know that God will still love me and use me for His glory, even if I find myself sleeping on a couch in America. Everywhere is an adventure, and God's will can be done anywhere in the world.
Ways to Help
1. Make a monthly donation! Make this ministry a part of your tithe! No amount is too small. Give $1 a month. Seriously. No one person can do everything, but together we can do amazing things for God, right? [To do this: use the paypal button in the right sidebar of this blog. Enter ANY amount and check the box for monthly!]
2. Talk Haiti up to your friends and family. Okay, so maybe your bank account literally can't spare $5 a month. Great! Fine! You can still be a part of this, really! Chances are you know someone who would want in on this Haiti Ministry action! Talk to them about it! Seriously. You have nothing to lose.
3. Re-post my blog or my YOUCARING page. This is the virtual version of talking Haiti up to your friends. =]
4. Make a special donation on my Youcaring page. Maybe you don't have a steady income, but you have a few dollars under the couch that you'd be willing to send in! Go for it! Still extremely appreciated! When the meter on the page is full, I'll be set for 2014! [YouCaring widget is on the right of blog!]