New pictures up on facebook if you're interested!
I hope you enjoy them!
So, the last couple days have been very frustrating for reasons I can't really elaborate on here. It's just difficult throwing together a team full of people with completely different motives and visions. You can't really expect everyone to get along immediately. So, we're working on it, and hopefully we will be able to get past all of our differences.
Today we got to spend all day at Tree of Life. It was a good reminder of why I'm here. I love getting to know the kids. FORREAL. I don't know how I'll ever leave them, but I'll just have to put the whole thing in God's hands. I think I might start giving the 16 year old girl who helps out over there some little english lessons when we visit. Maybe she can help me learn Kreyol at the same time. Who knows?
This was the longest we have ever been at Tree of Life, and it was really cool to see the daily routine. At noon, the kids have praise and worship time. They sing, dance, and pray. It was so fun. A lot of those kids clearly love Jesus a lot, and I'm really excited about helping them grow in their faith this summer. This week's lesson is going to be about Hope! Good times!
I haven't been feeling well the past two or three days. I have what I would politely call "traveler's tummy." Anyhow, I haven't been feeling like eating, so I haven't eaten much. I better try harder to do that.
Well, it seems like I'm getting into the boring details no one wants to hear about! If you want more interesting blogs, post questions and comments. Ask for my opinion on anything Missions-related, and I will be very excited to answer. =]
'Ello luv! I was wondering, what is your absolute favorite thing about Haiti? Also, do you feel like Haiti is a place God could be calling you to work in the future, after graduation? Why Haiti? Is there anything in Haiti that you think is better than the way it is in America? What's your next craft going to be? At what point did you realize you were called to be a missions major?