August 10, 2012


My last few days in Haiti were full of sad goodbyes and beautiful moments.  I got to snuggle with a giant mastiff, dance in the rain with good friends, spend the day at the pool with a wonderful family, and stay up too late talking.
I was rather tired getting back to the states on Monday, and I haven't quite regained my energy yet.  Readjusting is difficult, and I'm glad I have a week to chill before school.
It's been really hard so far.  I mean, everything that I have focused on for three months is over.  I don't feel like the people around me understand what it's like for me to be back in the states right now.  It's just confusing.  I don't know.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of things I had forgotten about this place.
Anyway, yesterday I went to Disney World, so that was fun.  Mike, Kevin, and I got in for free thanks to an awesome friend of mine named Michaya.  We all went to Hollywood Studios, and Michaya and I went on to Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom.  Magic Kingdom is the BEST.  If I could go again, I would definitely spend longer at that park.  I really loved the Lion King show with all the acrobatic monkeys and such.  I also enjoyed "Tower of Terror" because Mike didn't know that it was the kind of ride that drops you until we were being dropped.  Needless to say, he was frightened.  It was hilarious for me though!
So yeah, my brother is here, and I'm at my mom's house.  I really don't feel like doing much though.  I kind of would prefer to sit around and think.
I got a few pictures at Disney, but my phone broke!  No pictures then.  Oh well!  They replaced my phone at the ATT store since I just got it a week ago.
Speaking of that, please text me so I can have your numbers!  =]

August 3, 2012

the beat goes on

Clearly, my goal of blogging every day this week has been less than 100% successful.  Oh well!  

I had been doing pretty well with the idea of leaving on Monday until today.  The Kelley's are moving all of their things out of the house today, and it has such finality to it.  I am suddenly exceedingly aware of my impending departure.  But when you leave somewhere, you arrive somewhere else.  All of the somewhere else's in my future are super cool and exciting, so I'm not worried.

Today, Karissa and I are baking a cake for the grandparents in the family that is here.  This trip is part of their celebration of their anniversary.  Baking is so fun I wish we had some powdered sugar so I could make homemade icing, but I guess we will be forced to use chocolate spread or nutella for frosting.  (Just kidding, Karissa, I won't steal your Nutella.  That Nutella as icing thing was a one-time adventure.)  

I know a lot can happen in three days, but I feel like I am already out of time.  

In this three months, I have avoided getting my hair braided here.  They do it so tightly, and I already have a sensitive head.  I always say no, but yesterday some young girls in Williamson started to do my hair without even asking.  I grimaced through the entire process, but in the end, I had a rockin' hairdo.
For tomorrow's blog, I'd like to answer any questions that anyone still has about Haiti (if I can).  Ask away!

Love ya!  <3

August 1, 2012

i don't know why you say goodbye; i say hello.

Oh goodbyes.  I am in denial about leaving on Monday.  I think if I just ignore that fact, maybe I can make every day the longest day of my life.  Such is really the goal for every day anyhow.

Well, I had to say goodbye to my kids at FPCH.  They kept asking if I could come back on a different day or spend the night or wait to leave.  I really wanted to say yes.  I just have to let go and trust God with them.  He can take better care of them than I can anyway, right?  It's just difficult not knowing what the future holds for any of these precious kids.

Every day of the week is my last.  Today is my last Wednesday.  Tomorrow is my last Thursday.  I'm hoping for goat and french fries for dinner tomorrow night.  

I love the team here now.  They're giving me a good dose of being made fun of - all in love of course.  Hahahahaha. 

This blog is a bit incoherent, so I apologize.
I wanted to talk a little about bests.
The best thing to drink in Haiti is Couronne.  It is a super sweet soda.
The best place to think or converse is the roof at the guest house.
The best time to take a shower is after your sweaty parts of the day are over.
The best movie to watch over and over is "Tangled."
The best alarm clock is Lena yelling "DINNER TIME!  BREAKFAST TIME!"  
The best snack is popcorn made on the stove.
The best thing to bring to kids is construction paper and crayons.
The best place to hang out is anywhere in the shade.
The best way to learn Kreyol is to try and fail a lot.
The best method of keeping in touch with people is facebook.
The best best best thing is living life with people and enjoying it.
So that's me... Just enjoying life!  There are lots of things continuing to go wrong, every single day even now.  And yet, it's just not worth it to be upset unless it's hurting someone else.  If it's just throwing a wrench in my plans or hurting my feelings, oh well!  I can take it.
Well, I know that's vague, but you can just trust I am loving my last week in Ayiti!

[On a completely unrelated note, I'm redoing my blog a lot.  I am going to attempt to keep it up as my adventures continue back in America.  However, I am going to change the URL.  So let me know if you have any ideas, and just keep that on your radar if you try to come to my blog one day and it doesn't work.  You can ALWAYS e-mail me at]