September 9, 2012

adventures in Kentucky and Ohio

 Let me catch you up on my life with a few delightful pictures. 
This is my lovely room.  I put lots of important things on the wall, like bible verses, pictures of friends, artifacts from Haiti, and letters from the Doctor (Doctor Who).  
 This is my closet, which is lovingly littered with beautiful notes and drawings, mostly from my kids in Haiti.  It somehow simultaneously comforts me and makes me miss them more.

 Jamie, one of my best friends, had a birthday last week.  Happy birthday, Jamie! 
 My hall is called the Jungle, so we dressed accordingly for the All Hall event in the dorm.
 We had our first hall event, and we got Henna!  Henna is a lot more awesome than I had ever realized.  I am so glad to be on such a culture-loving hall!

 Last weekend, Jessica and I ventured to Bowling Green, KY.  We were blessed with the opportunity to visit Flea Land!  It was a hilarious time.  Who knew that diabetics need special socks?
 The thing I've enjoyed the most is beautiful bonding time with my best friends.  It's fantastic to be around these wonderful people again.

This is Aliyaha, the five year old I mentor.  We always have too much fun, and it ends with her falling asleep in the car on the way back to her house.  She's got a lot of attitude, but I'm glad she's a part of my life.
 One of my classes this semester is Disc Golf.  I'm not great, but it's definitely more exciting and more relaxing than classes like New Testament End Times.

This is one of my best friends in the whole world, Kristen!  She and I met this lovely puppy in Kresge Lobby.  His name is Sylar!
 The Romans were here for a few days, and I was glad to have family time. 
 We even went to Red Robin.  Yum.

This weekend, Jessica and I had a fantastic time visiting South Solon, Ohio.  Jessica knows some people there, and we got to participate in their missionary conference throughout the weekend.  We saw this creepy half mannequin on a porch by the church.
South Solon doesn't have any businesses.  I didn't know there were still towns in America without a single business.  We delighted in the fact that the only place to get a snack in the town is a vending machine in front of someone's house.
 Jessica read me a bedtime story Friday night.
And Saturday night.

Anyhow, it's been a great couple of weeks.  As a senior, I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out my future.  I'm considering a 15 month apprenticeship in "Little India" in England.  So please pray for me to be able to discern if this opportunity is right for me.  No matter what missionary endeavor I choose, I will probably have to be fundraising a lot, so please pray for that too!


September 1, 2012


Hey there, people I love!
I know this blog is long overdue.  Today is the first time that I feel caught up with my life.  Everything is finally organized, and I'm up to date on all of the homework and reading that I already have.  The first week was rough.  I love being back, and I was so glad to see all my friends again.  Yet, every time I was alone, I remembered my precious kids in Haiti.  All I could do was cry.  I know it just takes time, and I'm getting there!  I trust that God is going to continue to take care of those kids, and I just want to embrace every moment even now that I'm back at Asbury!

I've got another jam-packed semester ahead of me.  I'm working three jobs.  I'm a phoner, childcare worker, and a desk worker!  The fantastic news is that I can get quite a bit of homework done when I work the desk.  Can you believe it's my senior year?  I can't!  I have been so blessed by my time at Asbury, and I'm thrilled to have this year here! 

On a different note, I'm trying to lose some weight this year, so wish me luck!  I lost 5 lbs since being back at school, but I know it gets harder after you get started.

As for the future, who knows?  I can tell you a little about my dreams.  I truly believe that when we delight in God, He gives us desires that are just like His desires (Psalm 37:4).  Then God makes our dreams come true!  So what is my dream?  There are so many possibilities and opportunities.  It's absolutely invigorating when you think about it.  I can still honestly say that I'll be happy anywhere, doing pretty much anything!  I'm looking into several long term options, so pray that I will be able to discern where I might be the best candidate.  I'm especially excited about Urbana, a missions conference that I'm going to in December.  Hopefully, I'll be able to connect with a lot of missions organizations there, if I haven't already made a decision. 

I am also hoping to go to Honduras for five weeks before I commit to something quite a bit longer. 

Well, I know this blog is a bit random, but it will be more regular in the future.
