October 7, 2013

chat mwen (my cat)

Tonight, I am very thankful for my little new friend, Quincy.

Quincy has won the lottery.  If anyone else would have purchased him, he would have been Christmas dinner.  But not I.  Quincy is my new best friend.  He is snuggly, playful, and ADORABLE.

What does it take to be a cat lady?  Is it in the number of cats or how much a person loves cats?  Because I really love cats, and Quincy might end up being the most well-loved cat on this whole island.  (I will definitely never let anyone eat him.  Though, I will be in the states for Christmas...  Uh-oh.)

Would anyone like to mail me some flea medicine for Quincy?  Please and thank you.

Yesterday, Lena and I had the house to ourselves.  We had a beautiful friend-date, complete with grilled cheese sandwiches and a mentally disturbed man lingering in our doorway.

I would like to let you know that I will only be blogging once a week (Saturdays, 4 PM) from now on!  I would like to provide you all with a little more meat and substance in the blog.  For more frequent updates, check out the facebook page!!  Facebook.com/shelbloveseverywhere

And now, enjoy a picture of Quincy and a piece of the musical Lena and I wrote yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. If you end up with the flea drops, be really really careful. Remember how I almost killed Olivia.
