October 4, 2013

death to all spiders

This week, I got two beautiful letters from good friends.  A long letter is nourishment for my soul.

This week, I shelled peanuts to make peanut butter.  The orphanage makes their own because it's cheaper.  Fun times!

This week, Shannon and I killed a giant spider with Clorox and a baseball bat.  I'll admit that killing a spider with a bat is very cathartic.

This week, Shannon and I attempted to learn how to drive a moto... To no avail.  More updates on that soon.

This week I taught a short English class at the orphanage!  I love those kids.

This week I had several legitimate conversations in Kreyol.

I should really write more things down because I basically forget things the moment after they happen.

So while my students were taking a quiz, I took my shoes off to sneak up on a cheater.  It worked, and my class DIED of laughter when they realized what I had done.  My class loves me, and I LOVE my class!

All in all, it was a good week!

And I'm happy to announce that you can now make a monthly donation using the "Donate" button on my blog.  Anything you can do would be very welcome!

Love to you, wherever in the world you may find yourself!

1 comment:

  1. So, I just got back from Women's Retreat, and when I was unpacking I found a huge cockroach like bug in the bottom of my bag. The murder wasn't quite as epic as your spider story, but I still freaked out.
    Also, I love the fact that you took off your shoes to catch a cheater. :) Maybe I'll use that sometime. lol
