May 23, 2012

water boarding isn't torture! it's bonding!

So, yesterday the four of us were eating dinner, and we started talking about water boarding.  Boys are ridiculous.  The fact that the average CIA agent can only handle 14 seconds doesn't really make me want to try it for myself, but it did for the guys!  So we did it!  Brad only lasted 12 seconds, and Patrick lasted like 52 seconds.  We found out afterwards though that we should have been holding the water from higher up.  How do we fix that problem?  We're going to do it again tonight!  This is what happens when you don't have TV!  Hahahaha.
Today, we went to Tree of Life and FPCH.  I am going to be going back once a week to do Bible Studies/Crafts with the orphans there.  Tree of Life isn't doing very well right now.  The owner of the orphanage lost her job and has fibromyalgia and is pregnant.  School had to end early this year because they couldn't pay the teachers.  The kids are increasingly underfed and malnourished.  The really nice lady who we talked to today wants to leave soon because she has worked there for 2 years and only got paid for four months of that time.  The kids there are so affectionate.  They are all over you as soon as you get out of the car, and they fight for a spot in your arms.  It just makes me want to stay there forever, holding a kid in my arms.
I love so many things about Haiti.  Here is a list of some things:
The people are always outside!
The fruit is delicious - I hope we have lime juice for dinner tonight.  Yum.  And probably delicious pineapple for dessert.  And maybe a mango straight off the tree!
It's so windy!  I love the fresh air.
The ocean and the mountains are my two favorite landscapes, and that is the entire makeup of the country.
You don't have to wear a seatbelt!  ;)
It's never cold!
I get to wear a dress every day!
Coke comes ice cold in glass bottles.
I don't know enough of the language to know is someone is making fun of me (yet).
We have fresh bread for lunch every day.
Everybody sings.  My world is filled with music.
Just to name a few....

Yesterday, I met a Haitian nun!  She runs an orphanage for street boys.  We didn't get to see the orphanage, but we should get to sometime next week.  We are going to be doing our bible schools there also.

On a totally first world note, I am addicted to Temple Run.

Anyway, I'm working on a curriculum for our summer programs.  Please comment with any craft/activity ideas you might have!  Also, feel free to comment to prove that you read this.  I don't miss America, but I do miss my friends and all you Bollar's out there!



  1. Comment proof! :P
    Waterboarding? Seriously? This is worse than the cinnamon challenge...
    It sounds really exciting that you're starting your crafts up soon :) What kinds of crafts are you doing? Jewelry, containers, toys, drawings, sculptures?

  2. Haiti sounds like such a lyrical, magical place. Lovely! And I can't believe you guys tried waterboarding. That's pretty hilarious...much more entertaining than tv. LOL
    Love you! <3

  3. Hey girl!
    I love reading about your adventures in Haiti. Always praying for you.
    Keep your head up and keep loving those kiddos like crazy. :)
    Love ya!

  4. I met a nun from Nashville in Palestrina! She's studying composition there! :)
