September 11, 2013


Yikes, this is delayed!  I so kept meaning to write about this when I was about to leave the states.  

My goodbyes were oh so beautiful.

From the Hogans to Crossroads Church to my Asbury friends, everyone was praying for me and offering up praise about my calling and my life.  It was so amazing and so humbling.  Standing there, hearing what I've meant to people and the difference I've made in their lives, only to know that absolutely 100% of it is because of Jesus.  
Every single thing that people love about me is Jesus in me.
To see so clearly how He is shining in my life, it was really reassuring.  It was just the perfect experience to prefix my life in Haiti with.

Here's a theme that's been in my heart lately.  Our bathroom has no light, so I bring a flashlight in with me at night.  If I'm trying to get a good look at my face, I have to shine my flashlight on the real thing.  If I shine it on the mirror, I will barely be able to see myself.  And in the same way, I'm a reflection of Jesus.  But focusing more on myself will not brighten that image.  Only focusing on Him can do that.  (Okay, so I know that's totally random, and I hope at least one person out there can follow my train of thought on this one.)  

Or in a more poetic way, one of my favorite songs by Vicky Beeching is "Captivated," which is about standing in awe of Jesus.  

"Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my gaze.  I become more like You, and my heart is changed.  Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my view.  Transform me into the likeness of You."

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